Together with the leading visual kei magazine “club Zy.“, JROCK NEWS has expanded its alliance and partnered up with the magazine Vijuttoke. The triple collaboration was made official on Vijuttoke’s 98th volume, May 2020. This volume features “KISAKI × KAIKI” on the front cover and Megido (メギド) on the back, along with coverage of Alice nine, RAZOR, and gulu gulu.

With the triple collaboration, we will continue together to pursue the common goal to popularize Japanese visual kei globally.

You can expect more localized content from Vijuttoke’s magazine to land on JROCK NEWS, just as we’ve previously seen with some exclusive club Zy. content.

Normally you would be able to pick up the magazine free of charge across Japan, but due to the current global pandemic, this month you will have to order it online instead—for those living in Japan. The magazine remains free, all you have to do is pay for the postal fee.

About Vijuttoke

Vijuttoke is a music magazine available across Japan and can be picked up free of charge in stores! The magazine promotes youth culture with its primary topics being music and fashion, among other related subjects. You will find coverage of sub-culture such as visual kei, goth, and anime.


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